On-site Church Service Sundays @ 10:30AM
Live Broadcasts on YouTube and Facebook - Church Service 10:30AM (in person & broadcast)
Welcome To Cornerstone! Our hope is that you know “you matter to God, therefore you matter to us”. We believe the church is an ER for people with hurts, habits and hang-ups. We want to be real people because authenticity frees us. Join us for worship this weekend or jump into a Life Group, mid-week study, or stop by for a cup of coffee with us!
sign up for updates
Worship & Gathering
Adult Sunday school 9 AM (broadcast only)
Worship 10:30 AM (On-site & broadcast)
Nursery and Cornerstone Kids 10:30 AM
Saturday Morning Men’s Meeting
The men meet on Saturday mornings at Cornerstone at 9:00am.
Life Groups
Available most days of week
Find Us
40 Belmont Avenue
Winchester, KY 40391
Contact Cornerstone
Cornerstone Christian Church
PO Box 557
Winchester, Ky. 40392
To Add Yourself to the Text List
text"firedup" to 84576
For Your Giving If you Cannot Attend Church
Go online to www.cornerstonechristian.us
on top line, click on “Give” to send using PayPal.
Or, if out and about, use Car express, bring to church-Monday-Friday 1-4PM
Let us know if you need meds or groceries or prayers.